We need you!
We offer general and project-related Hiwi positions at MPM
The Department of Microbial Pathogenicity Mechanisms (MPM) at the HKI offers
general and project-related HiWi positions
Topic: Pathogenicity mechanisms of human pathogenic yeasts
Human pathogenic fungi frequently cause infections of skin and mucosae, however they are also capable of causing life threatening mycoses. The Department of Microbial Pathogenicity Mechanisms (MPM) at the Hans Knöll Institute (HKI), is concerned with the investigation of infections caused by human pathogenic fungi. Research is focused on the pathogenesis of mycoses due to the yeasts Candida albicans and C. glabrata. In contrast to most other human pathogenic fungi, these Candida species are part of the normal human microbial flora. However, if the natural barrier of the host is breached, or if the immune system is weakened, Candida cells are able to cause infections. In these cases, the fungus can overgrow the microbial flora and may enter deeper tissue layers, the blood system and internal organs.
We aim to find and characterise the factors involved in the ability of fungi to cause diseases. To this end, we apply methods of cellular and molecular biology, immunology, infection biology, microbiology, and biochemistry. We want to learn more about the pathogenicity factors of these fungi and the Candida-specific host responses.
We offer HiWi positions for project-related work and for general support of our department.
Project-related work will deal with an aspect of the topic “Pathogenicity mechanisms of the human pathogenic yeasts” and will be supervised by a PhD student or a postdoc. Applicants should be interested in microbial infection biology and should have good theoretical and practical knowledge in microbiology, molecular biology and/or biochemistry (preferred students studying Biology, Biochemistry, Microbiology or Molecular Medicine). Besides good knowledge and skills we expect excellent abilities to work in an international team. The work will be done in a very well equipped S2 laboratory.
Please apply by sending your application with CV and certificate of study/transcript of records to Prof. Bernhard Hube: bernhard.hube@leibniz-hki.de
Further information:
Prof. Bernhard Hube: bernhard.hube@leibniz-hki.de
Department Microbial Pathogenicity Mechanisms, HKI