Paper of the month in April: DGHM has chosen recent publication written by Marina

| by Christine Vogler

The German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM) has chosen the recently published paper, written by our scientist Marina Pekmezovic for the "Paper of the month" in April 2021:

Pekmezovic M, Hovhannisyan H, Gresnigt MS, Iracane E, Oliveira-Pacheco J, Siscar-Lewin S, Seemann E, Qualmann B, Kalkreuter T, Müller S, Kamradt T, Mogavero S, Brunke S, Butler G, Gabaldón T, Hube B (2021) Candida pathogens induce protective mitochondria-associated type I interferon signalling and a damage-driven response in vaginal epithelial cells. Nat Microbiol

Congratulations, Marina!