Structure and Biosynthetic Assembly of Gulmirecins, Macrolide Antibiotics from the Predatory Bacterium Pyxidicoccus fallax.

Schieferdecker S, König S, Weigel C, Dahse HM, Werz O, Nett M (2014) Structure and Biosynthetic Assembly of Gulmirecins, Macrolide Antibiotics from the Predatory Bacterium Pyxidicoccus fallax. Chem Eur J 20, 15933-15940.


The gulmirecins constitute a new class of glycosylated macrolides that were isolated from the predatory bacterium
Pyxidicoccus fallax HKI 727. Their structures were solved by a combination of NMR spectroscopic experiments
and chemical derivatization. Analysis of the annotated gulmirecin gene cluster complemented the configurational assignment and provided insights into the stereochemical course of the biosynthetic assembly. The gulmirecins exhibit
strong activity against staphylococci, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, but no cytotoxic effects on
human cells.


Hans-Martin Dahse
Markus Nett
Sebastian Schieferdecker
Christiane Weigel


doi: 10.1002/chem.201404291

PMID: 25287056