
Austermeier S, Kasper L, Westman J, Gresnigt MS (2020) I want to break free - macrophage strategies to recognize and kill Candida albicans, and fungal counter-strategies to escape. Curr Opin Microbiol 58, 15-23. (Review)
Commichau FM, Anstatt J, Krappmann S, Stegmann E, Banhart S, Papenfort K, Brunke S, Hube B, Bramkamp M, Herbert M, Sander J, Mueller JW, Wagner M, Daus ML (2020) Wettrüsten zwischen Pilz und Wirt. BIOSpektrum 26(3), 280-286. (Review)
Correia I, Wilson D, Hube B, Pla J (2020) Characterization of a Candida albicans mutant defective in all MAPKs highlights the major role of hog1 in the MAPK signaling network. J Fungi (Basel) 6(4), E230.
Costa ACBP, Back-Brito GN, Mayer FL, Hube B, Wilson D (2020) Candida albicans Mrv8, is involved in epithelial damage and biofilm formation. FEMS Yeast Res 20(5), foaa033.
Ho J, Wickramasinghe DN, Nikou SA, Hube B, Richardson JP, Naglik JR (2020) Candidalysin is a potent trigger of alarmin and antimicrobial peptide release in epithelial cells. Cells 9(3), 699.
Jung P, Mischo CE, Gunaratnam G, Spengler C, Becker SL, Hube B, Jacobs K, Bischoff M (2020) Candida albicans adhesion to central venous catheters: Impact of blood plasma-driven germ tube formation and pathogen-derived adhesins. Virulence 11(1), 1453-1465.
Kämmer P, McNamara S*, Wolf T, Conrad T, Allert S, Gerwien F, Hünniger K, Kurzai O, Guthke R, Hube B, Linde J, Brunke S (2020) Survival strategies of pathogenic Candida species in human blood show independent and specific adaptations. mBio 11(5), e02435-20.
König A, Hube B, Kasper L (2020) The dual Function of the fungal toxin candidalysin during Candida albicans-macrophage interaction and virulence. Toxins 12(8), 469. (Review)
König A, Müller R, Mogavero S, Hube B (2020) Fungal factors involved in host immune evasion, modulation and exploitation during infection. Cell Microbiol 23(1), e13272. (Review)
Kumamoto CA, Gresnigt MS, Hube B (2020) The gut, the bad and the harmless: Candida Albicans as a commensal and opportunistic pathogen in the intestine. Curr Opin Microbiol 56, 7-15. (Review)