One small step for a yeast - Microevolution within macrophages renders Candida glabrata hypervirulent due to a single point mutation.
PLOS Pathog 10(10),
Dr Anja Wartenberg (née Lüttich)
In vivo imaging of disseminated murine Candida albicans infection reveals unexpected host sites of fungal persistence during antifungal therapy.
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Microevolution of Candida albicans in macrophages restores filamentation in a nonfilamentous mutant.
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Serial passaging of Candida albicans in systemic murine infection suggests that the wild type strain SC5314 is well adapted to the murine kidney.
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Isolation and amplification of fungal RNA for microarray analysis from host samples.
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Interaction of pathogenic yeasts with phagocytes: survival, persistence and escape.
Curr Opin Microbiol 13(4),