Imaginative fungi
HKI scientists receive medac research award 2015
Original publications
Shabuer G, Ishida K, Pidot SJ, Roth M, Dahse HM, Hertweck C (2015)
Plant-pathogenic anaerobic bacteria use aromatic polyketides to access aerobic territory.
Science, in press.
Gressler M, Meyer F, Heine D, Hortschansky P, Hertweck C, Brock M (2015)
Phytotoxin production in Aspergillus terreus is regulated by independent environmental signals.
eLife 2015;4:e07861.
Wartenberg A, Linde J, Martin R, Schreiner M, Horn F, Jacobsen ID, Jenull S, Wolf T, Kuchler K, Guthke R, Kurzai O, Forche A, d'Enfert C, Brunke S, Hube B (2014)
Microevolution of Candida albicans in macrophages restores filamentation in a nonfilamentous mutant.
PLoS Genetics 10(12), e1004824.
Award winners
Gulimila Shabuer (Biomolecular Chemistry)
Dr. Keishi Ishida (Biomolecular Chemistry)
Dr. Sacha Pidot (Biomolecular Chemistry)
Dr. Martin Roth (Bio Pilot Plant)
Dr. Hans-Martin Dahse (Infection Biology)
Dr. Markus Greßler (Microbial Biochemistry and Physiology)
Florian Meyer (Biomolecular Chemistry)
Daniel Heine (Biomolecular Chemistry)
Dr. Peter Hortschansky (Molecular and Applied Microbiology)
Dr. Anja Wartenberg (Microbial Pathogenicity Mechanisms)
Dr. Jörg Linde (Systems Biology and Bioinformatics)
Dr. Ronny Martin (Fungal Septomics)
Maria Schreiner (Microbial Pathogenicity Mechanisms)
Dr. Fabian Horn (Systems Biology and Bioinformatics)
Thomas Wolf (Systems Biology and Bioinformatics)
Dr. Sascha Brunke (Microbial Pathogenicity Mechanisms)