Practical tips for research of fungal infections

FEBS Practical Course at HKI with an international cast

Postdoc Silke Silva (second from left) shows the participants of the course, Laura E. Carreto-Binaghi, Paul-Albert König and Patricia Albuquerque (from left) the practical work with infection models. (photo: HKI/Bernhard Hube)

To fully understand fungal infections, it is necessary to include the affected host organism in the research. But especially for young scientists the chances to work with experimental animals and alternative models are low. The FEBS Practical Course which is currently held at the Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology (HKI) provides a remedy: Young scientists meet experienced colleagues and are taught state-of-the-art infection models and techniques.

A format that has proven effective: Two weeks with a fully packed program of laboratory experiments, lectures by international experts and social activities. The FEBS Practical Course is a unique event in Europe for PhD students postdocs and young group leaders who work with pathogenic fungi. Participants from 18 countries from across the globe have successfully applied this year to come to Jena. In the practical courses, the participants are introduced to modern experiments in cell cultures and in the experimental animal mouse. They also learn about German animal welfare and ethics standards. Here they are accompanied by experienced scientists from Europe, Israel and the USA.