Dual-use virulence factors of the opportunistic pathogen Chromobacterium haemolyticum mediate haemolysis and colonization.

Prof. Dr. Christian Hertweck
Biomolecular Chemistry · Head +49 3641 532-1101 christian.hertweck@leibniz-hki.deCurriculum vitae
Main Research Areas
- Investigation of biosynthetic pathways of the secondary metabolism of bacteria and fungi
- Use of enzymes and recombinant microorganisms for synthetic implementation
- Isolation and structural identification of natural products
- Molecular basis of fungus-bacteria-interactions
Professional Career
2008 | Rejection of professorship, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zurich, Switzerland |
2008 – 2023 | Deputy Director at the Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute (HKI) Jena, Germany |
2008 | Rejection of professorship, Technical University Munich, Germany |
Since 2006 | Head of Department of Biomolecular Chemistry, HKI Jena |
Since 2006 | Professor (W3) and chair of Natural Product Chemistry, Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU), Germany |
2006 | Habilitation (Venia legendi) in organic chemistry, FSU Jena |
2005 | Rejection of professorship (W3), Rheinische Friedrich Willhelms University of Bonn, Germany |
2005 | Acceptance of professorship (W3), FSU Jena |
2001– 2005 | Head of junior research group, HKI Jena |
1999 – 2000 | Research assistant, University of Washington, Seattle, USA, funded through a Feodor Lynen fellowship for postdocs (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation) |
1996 – 1999 | PhD, Friedrich Willhelms University Bonn and Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Jena, funded through a Max Planck doctoral fellowship |
1996 | Diploma in chemistry at the Friedrich Willhelms University Bonn, Germany |
Awards · Appointments · Scientific Activities
2015 | Member of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina |
2015 | Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Award |
2015 | David Gottlieb Memorial Lecture Award, University of Illinois |
2014 | Wilhelm Manchot-Research Professor |
Since 2013 | Member of the editorial board Bioorganic Chemistry |
Since 2012 | Editor, Chemistry & Biology |
Since 2012 | Member of the faculty of 1000 |
Since 2011 | Member of the editorial board, Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry |
Since 2011 | Member of the editorial board, Journal of Antibiotics |
2011 | NPR lecture award |
Since 2010 | Member of the editorial board, ChemBioChem |
2009 – 2012 | Member of the editorial board, Chemistry & Biology |
2006 | Research prize of the Dr. Otto Röhm-Memorial-Foundation |
Since 2005 | Member of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM) |
2005 | DECHEMA award for natural product research |
2005 | Science award for life sciences and physics from the Beutenberg Campus Jena e.V. |
2005 | Thuringian research award (category: basic research) |
Since 2003 | Member of the programme committee, Natural Product Meeting, Irsee |
Since 2002 | Member of the DECHEMA Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology |
Since 2001 | Member of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) |
Beneficial soil fungus kills predatory nematodes with dehydropeptides translocating into the animal gut.
J Am Chem Soc 146(50),
A mutualistic bacterium rescues a green alga from an antagonist.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 121(15),
Trapping of a polyketide synthase module after C-C bond formation reveals transient acyl carrier domain interactions.
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The fatal mushroom neurotoxin muscarine is released from a harmless phosphorylated precursor upon cellular injury.
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Biosynthesis and recruitment of reactive amino acids in nonribosomal peptide assembly lines.
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A catch-release strategy for the genomics-driven discovery of antiproliferative furan-functionalized peptides.
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Direct a-hydroxy acid loading onto a bacterial thiotemplate assembly line via a multienzyme gateway.
Angew Chem Int Ed 63(30),
Inducing novel endosymbioses by implanting bacteria in fungi.
Nature 635(8038),
Photosensitizers enable the formation of biphenyls with UV-LEDs and sunlight.
Chemistry 30(27),