Microbiological and immunological characteristics of a lethal pulmonary Aspergillus niger infection in a non-neutropenic patient.

Workum JD, de Jong SW, Gresnigt MS, Becker KL, Pickkers P, van de Veerdonk FL, Heijdra YF, Kolwijck E (2018) Microbiological and immunological characteristics of a lethal pulmonary Aspergillus niger infection in a non-neutropenic patient. Med Mycol Case Rep 21, 4-7.


Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis is increasingly described in non-neutropenic patients, such as patients with COPD receiving corticosteroids and the critically ill. Here, we present a case of a lethal pulmonary Aspergillus niger infection in a COPD patient. Immunological tests showed an impaired innate and adaptive immune response to Aspergillus. A history of COPD, unresponsiveness to antibiotics and especially a suggestive CT-scan should trigger the clinician to consider diseases caused by Aspergillus.


Mark Gresnigt


doi: 10.1016/j.mmcr.2018.03.002

PMID: 29984147