The role of risk communication in public health interventions. An analysis of risk communication for a community quarantine in Germany to curb the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

Scholz J, Wetzker W, Licht A, Heintzmann R, Scherag A, Weis S, Pletz M, Betsch C, Bauer M, Dickmann P (2021) The role of risk communication in public health interventions. An analysis of risk communication for a community quarantine in Germany to curb the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. PLOS One 16(8), e0256113.


Separating ill or possibly infectious people from their healthy community is one of the core principles of non-pharmaceutical interventions. However, there is scarce evidence on how to successfully implement quarantine orders. We investigated a community quarantine for an entire village in Germany (Neustadt am Rennsteig, March 2020) with the aim of better understanding the successful implementation of quarantine measures.


Sebastian Weis


doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0256113

PMID: 34388211