Three novel indolosesquiterpenes, xiamycin B (1b), indosespene (2), and sespenine (3), along with the known xiamycin A (1a) were isolated from the culture broth of Streptomyces sp. HKI0595, a bacterial endophyte of the widespread mangrove tree Kandelia candel. Agar diffusion assays revealed moderate to strong antimicrobial activities against several bacteria, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis, while no cytotoxicity against human tumor cell lines was observed. Together with the previously reported oridamycin, the endophyte metabolites represent the first indolosesquiterpenes isolated from prokaryotes.
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doi: 10.1039/c1ob05283g
PMID: 21528153