Antigen specificity and cross-reactivity drive functionally diverse anti-Aspergillus fumigatus T cell responses in cystic fibrosis.
J Clin Invest 133(5),

Dr. Olaf Kniemeyer
Molecular and Applied Microbiology · Deputy head of Department +49 3641 532-1071 olaf.kniemeyer@leibniz-hki.dePublications
Impaired amino acid uptake leads to global metabolic imbalance of Candida albicans biofilms.
NPJ Biofilms Microbiomes 8(1),
Candida albicans SR-like protein kinases regulate different cellular processes: Sky1 is involved in control of ion homeostasis, while Sky2 is important for dipeptide utilization.
Front Cell Infect Microbiol 12,
Salt and metal tolerance involves formation of guttation droplets in species of the Aspergillus versicolor complex.
Genes 13(9),
Augmented enterocyte damage during Candida albicans and Proteus mirabilis coinfection.
Front Cell Infect Microbiol 12,
Comparative secretome analyses of Trichoderma/Arabidopsis co-cultures identify proteins for salt stress, plant growth promotion, and root colonization.
Front Ecol Evol 9,
PLB-985 neutrophil-like cells as a model to study Aspergillus fumigatus pathogenesis.
mSphere 7(1),
Total synthesis and functional evaluation of IORs, sulfonolipid-based inhibitors of cell differentiation in Salpingoeca rosetta.
Angew Chem Int Ed 61(41),
COVID-19 patients share common, corticosteroid-independent features of impaired host immunity to pathogenic molds.
Front Immunol 13,
CORK1, a LRR-malectin receptor kinase, is required for cellooligomer-induced responses in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Cells 11(19),