Sofía Siscar Lewin



Siscar-Lewin S, Hube B, Brunke S (2022) Emergence and evolution of virulence in human pathogenic fungi. Trends Microbiol 30(7), 693-704. (Review)
Pekmezovic M, Hovhannisyan H, Gresnigt MS, Iracane E, Oliveira-Pacheco J, Siscar-Lewin S, Seemann E, Qualmann B, Kalkreuter T, Müller S, Kamradt T, Mogavero S, Brunke S, Butler G, Gabaldón T, Hube B (2021) Candida pathogens induce protective mitochondria-associated type I interferon signalling and a damage-driven response in vaginal epithelial cells. Nat Microbiol 6(5), 643-657.
Siscar-Lewin S, Gabaldón T, Aldejohann AM, Kurzai O, Hube B, Brunke S (2021) Transient mitochondria dysfunction confers fungal cross-resistance against phagocytic killing and fluconazole. mBio 12(3), e0112821.
Van Ende M, Timmermans B, Vanreppelen G, Siscar-Lewin S, Fischer D, Wijnants S, Romero CL, Yazdani S, Rogiers O, Demuyser L, Van Zeebroeck G, Cen Y, Kuchler K, Brunke S, Van Dijck P (2021) The involvement of the Candida glabrata trehalase enzymes in stress resistance and gut colonization. Virulence 12(1), 329-345.
Gimeno-Valiente F, Riffo-Campos ÁL, Vallet-Sánchez A, Siscar-Lewin S, Gambardella V, Tarazona N, Cervantes A, Franco L, Castillo J, López-Rodas G (2019) ZNF518B gene up-regulation promotes dissemination of tumour cells and is governed by epigenetic mechanisms in colorectal cancer. Sci Rep 9(1), 9339.
Siscar-Lewin S, Hube B, Brunke S (2019) Antivirulence and avirulence genes in human pathogenic fungi. Virulence 10(1), 935-947. (Review)