Dr. Sarah Niehs



Niehs SP, Kumpfmüller J, Dose B, Little RF, Ishida K, Florez LV, Kaltenpoth M, Hertweck C (2020) Insect-associated bacteria assemble the antifungal butenolide gladiofungin by non-canonical polyketide chain termination. Angew Chem Int Ed 59(51), 23122-23126.
Niehs SP, Dose B, Scherlach K, Pidot SJ, Stinear TP, Hertweck C (2019) Genome mining reveals endopyrroles from a nonribosomal peptide assembly line triggered in fungal-bacterial symbiosis. ACS Chem Biol 14(8), 1811-1818.
Dose B, Niehs SP, Scherlach K, Flórez LV, Kaltenpoth M, Hertweck C (2018) Unexpected bacterial origin of the antibiotic icosalide: Two-tailed depsipeptide assembly in multifarious Burkholderia symbionts. ACS Chem Biol 13(9), 2414-2420.
Niehs SP, Dose B, Scherlach K, Roth M, Hertweck C (2018) Genomics-driven discovery of a symbiont-specific cyclopeptide from bacteria residing in the rice seedling blight fungus. ChemBioChem 19(20), 2167-2172.
Niehs SP, Scherlach K, Hertweck C (2018) Genomics-driven discovery of a linear lipopeptide promoting host colonization by endofungal bacteria. Org Biomol Chem 16(37), 8345-8352.