Hannah Büttner



Büttner H, Rassbach J, Schultz C, Popp J, Gressler M, Hertweck C (2024) Beneficial soil fungus kills predatory nematodes with dehydropeptides translocating into the animal gut. J Am Chem Soc 146(50), 34702-34710.
Büttner H, Hörl J, Krabbe J, Hertweck C (2023) Discovery and biosynthesis of anthrochelin, a growth-promoting metallophore of the human pathogen Luteibacter anthropi. ChemBioChem 24(17), e202300322.
Büttner H, Pidot SJ, Scherlach K, Hertweck C (2023) Endofungal bacteria boost anthelminthic host protection with the biosurfactant symbiosin. Chem Sci 14(1), 103-112.
Richter I, Radosa S, Cseresnyés Z, Ferling I, Büttner H, Niehs SP, Gerst R, Scherlach K, Figge MT, Hillmann F, Hertweck C (2022) Toxin-producing endosymbionts shield pathogenic fungus against micropredators. mBio 13(5), e0144022.
Büttner H*, Niehs SP*, Vandelannoote K, Cseresnyés Z, Dose B, Richter I, Gerst R, Figge MT, Stinear TP, Pidot SJ, Hertweck C# (2021) Bacterial endosymbionts protect beneficial soil fungus from nematode attack. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 118(37), e2110669118.
Dunbar KL, Dell M, Molloy EM, Büttner H, Kumpfmüller J, Hertweck C (2020) An unexpected split-merge pathway to the symmetric nonribosomal peptide antibiotic closthioamide. Angew Chem Int Ed 60(8), 4104-4109.
Dunbar KL, Büttner H, Molloy EM, Dell M, Kumpfmüller J, Hertweck C (2018) Genome editing reveals novel thiotemplated assembly of polythioamide antibiotics in anaerobic bacteria. Angew Chem Int Ed 57(43), 14080-14084.