Trinity of environment, animals, and humans: A résumé in the case of the fungal order Mucorales.
In: Brakhage AA, Kniemeyer O, Zipfel PF (eds.) The Mycota - Human and Animal Relationships (3). 6, pp. 3-34. Springer, Cham.
ISBN: 978-3-031-64852. (Review)

Kerstin Voigt
Jena Microbial Resource Collection · Head Molecular and Applied Microbiology National Reference Center for Invasive Fungal Infections +49 3641 532-1395 / +49 3641 949331 kerstin.voigt@leibniz-hki.deCurriculum vitae
Main Research Areas
- Infection biology of Lichtheimia corymbifera
- Influence of endosymbiotic bacteria on the natural product potential of Conidiobolus coronatus
- Evolution of the pathogenicity of zygomycetes
Professional Career
Since 2010 | Head of the Jena Microbial Resource Collection (JMRC), an incorporated institution of the HKI and the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (FSU Jena) based at the Leibniz-Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans-Knöll-Institute |
2005-2010 | Academic Council (A13, Institute for Microbiology, FSU Jena), Head of the Pilz-Referenz-Zentrum at the University Jena |
1999-2005 | Assistant (C1), Institute for Microbiology, FSU Jena |
1998-1999 | Visiting scientist, USDA, ARS, NCAUR Peoria IL, USA, funded through a postdoc fellowship of the DFG |
1995-1998 | Head of the group plant pathology, FSU Jena |
2003 | Habilitation and venia legendi in microbiology, FSU Jena |
1995 | Dr. rer. nat. in microbiology, „summa cum laude“ FSU Jena and University of Surrey, Guildford, UK |
1992 | Diploma in molecular biology/biotechnology at the University Szeged/Ungarn |
Awards · Appointments · Scientific Activities
2013 | Editor, special edition: mycoses |
2012 | Editor, special edition: persoonia |
2011 | CBS-visiting tutor: CBS-biodiversity course, Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures (CBS Biodiversity Centre) Utrecht, Netherlands |
2011 | DAAD-visting tutor: Chinese Academy of Sciences, Mycological Key Laboratories, Herbarium and Mycological Centre, Beijing, China |
2011 | Travel grants from the DAAD for the participation in the Asian Mycological Congress AMC10 (Seoul/Incheon, South Korea) |
2011 | Award of the Korean Mycological Association for an excellent poster presentation |
2011 | Member of the editorial board, Frontiers in Evolutionary and Population Genetics and MycoKeys |
2010-2013 | Member of the faculty council of the faculty of biology and pharmacy, FSU Jena |
2010-2011 | EmbaRC/EU-visiting scientist: CABI Bioservices Centre U.K. Egham and Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Mycology Section, Great Britain |
2010 | Co-editor, molecular identification of fungi, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London, New York |
2010 | AUMC-visiting tutor: Assiut University Mycological Center, Egypt |
2009 | Travel grants from the DAAD for the participation in the Asian Mycological Congress AMC9 (Taichung, Taiwan) |
2009 | DAAD-visiting tutor: National University of Education Taipei, Taiwan |
2007-2010 | Member of the council for equal opportunities issues (Beirat für Gleichstellungsfragen) at the FSU Jena, equal opportunities officer at the faculty for biology and pharmacy, FSU Jena |
2007 | CBS-visiting tutor: CBS-Medical Mycology Course, Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures (CBS Biodiversity Centre) Utrecht, Netherlands |
2004 | Habilitation award from the FSU Jena |
2003-2005 | Member of the council of the FSU Jena |
2003 | Member of the editorial boards, Journal of Basic Microbiology |
2003 | Travel grants from the DFG for the participation in the XIV. Congress of European Mycologists |
1999 | Fellow at the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft within a postdoc programme |
1996 | Dissertation prize from the faculty of biology and pharmacy at the University Jena |
New Mucorales from opposite ends of the world.
Stud Mycol 109,
Discovery and biosynthesis of the cytotoxic polyene terpenomycin in human pathogenic Nocardia.
ACS Chem Biol 18(8),
Non-canonical two-step biosynthesis of anti-oomycete indole alkaloids in Kickxellales.
Fungal Biol Biotechnol 1010(1),
Insecticidal cyclodepsitetrapeptides from Mortierella alpina.
J Nat Prod 86(7),
Mini review: Risk assessment, clinical manifestation, prediction, and prognosis of Mucormycosis: Implications for pathogen- and human-derived biomarkers.
Front Microbiol 13,
An old confusion: entomophthoromycosis versus mucormycosis and their main differences.
Front Microbiol 13,
New guaianolide sesquiterpene lactones and other constituents from Pyrethrum pulchrum.
Planta Med 88(5),
The early terrestrial fungal lineage of Conidiobolus - Transition from saprotroph to parasitic lifestyle.
J Fungi (Basel) 8(8),
Phylogenetic revision and patterns of host specificity in the fungal subphylum Entomophthoromycotina.
Microorganisms 10(2),