You can use our internal reporting channel, or whistleblowing function, to report suspected misconduct and wrongdoings in our organisation. The aim of our whistleblowing function is to provide a better opportunity to disclose various forms of misconduct, as well as to provide enhanced protection for the reporting person. We guarantee that your case and your identity will be treated confidentially. You are also protected against retaliation.

What can you report?

When submitting a report, you must have valid reasons to believe that the information you submit is true at the time of reporting. The purpose of the reporting channel is to prevent and detect fraud and corruption, illegal activities, and non-compliance with rules in a range of areas. It can also be about illegal, unethical or harmful activities that can negatively affect others.

For example:

  • Financial crime and fraud
  • Corruption and bribery
  • Environmental offences or health and safety risks
  • Deliberate violations of the law

The misconduct does not have to be current or ongoing, it can also apply to the reporting of previous misconduct. The purpose of this service is not to voice dissatisfaction with working conditions, organisation or management, or conflicts in the workplace. Reports of misconduct that exclusively affect the whistleblower or his/her work situation are generally not considered to be a whistleblowing case.