Animal protection

The animal protection officers of the HKI take care that the legal regulations regarding the protection of animals are observed. They advise and support employees who carry out animal experiments or who take care of laboratory animals in all matters regarding animal protection and handling of laboratory animals. The animal protection officers are involved in planning animal experiments; they have access at all time to the animal facilites, the animals, the laboratories and the notes of the researchers. All employees who are dealing with animal experiments and laboratory animals are obliged to provide information to the animal protection officers. The animal protections officers furthermore work towards developing and establishing alternative and substitution methods for animal experiments at the HKI. In addition, they promote the furhter education of all involved employes in animal care and handling.

Animal protection officers

Karl-Gunther Glowalla
Animal protection officers
Thorsten Heinekamp
Deputy animal protection officer

Animal husbandry

Ilse Denise Jacobsen
Responsible person animal husbandry (according to §11 TierSchG)
Alessia Montesano
Responsible person gnotobiotic facility · Verantwortliche Person gnotobiotische Maushaltung

Animal protection committee

The animal protection committee consists of the animal protection officers and the responsible persons for animal husbandry as well as the scientists carrying out animal experiments and the employess taking care of laboratory animals. The committee among other things determines internal operational procedures to supervise animal welfare and ensures that these procedures are observed. The committee members monitor the course of the animal experiments and the results, in particular with regard to the effects on the animals.

Ilse Denise Jacobsen
Member of the animal protection committee
Maria Straßburger
Member of the animal protection committee
Thorsten Heinekamp
Member of the animal protection committee
Alessia Montesano
Member of the animal protection committee
Gianna Hirth
Member of the animal protection committee
Sindy Oekler
Member of the animal protection committee
Sigrun Kirste
Member of the animal protection committee
Franziska Röstel
Member of the animal protection committee
Karl-Gunther Glowalla
Member of the animal protection committee

Further information on animal experiments

Biological safety

As officer for biological safety Sina Gerbach is your contact person for questions regarding the handling of genetically engineered organisms (GVO) and natural organisms. Dr. Gerbach is in charge of assisting with applications of working in facilities equipped for the purpose of genetic engineering and advises on working in accordance with the German Law on the Prevention of Infections (Infektionsschutzgesetz - IfSG). In addition to this, she provides support on planning the redevelopment and new development of genetic engineering labs as well as on the procurement of assets and personal protection equipment. Her support involves any requests for the implementation of the Genetic Engineering Law, especially with regard to risk assessment and monitoring of genetic engineering work.

Sina Gerbach
Officer for biological safety

Data security

Sascha Brunke
Data protection officer

Fire protection and work safety

Sylvia Fehlau-Kählert
Fire protection and work safety

Hazardous Materials

Gundela Peschel
HAZMAT officer
Carmen Karkowski
Deputy HAZMAT officer

Laser security

Karsten Willing
Laser protection officer

Radiation protection

The radiation protection officer are your contact persons for all questions regarding the handling of open and enclosed radioactive substances and sources. They provide advice for planning and executing experiments with radionuclides. Furthermore, the radiation protection officers can order radionuclides for you and dispose them correctly. The advice comprises all issues concerning the implementation of the radiation protection act.

Thomas Krüger
Radiation protection officer