Christian Hertweck

Prof. Dr. Christian Hertweck

Biomolecular Chemistry · Head +49 3641 532-1101

Curriculum vitae

Main Research Areas
  • Investigation of biosynthetic pathways of the secondary metabolism of bacteria and fungi
  • Use of enzymes and recombinant microorganisms for synthetic implementation
  • Isolation and structural identification of natural products
  • Molecular basis of fungus-bacteria-interactions
Professional Career
2008 Rejection of professorship, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zurich, Switzerland
2008 – 2023 Deputy Director at the Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute (HKI) Jena, Germany
2008 Rejection of professorship, Technical University Munich, Germany
Since 2006 Head of Department of Biomolecular Chemistry, HKI Jena
Since 2006 Professor (W3) and chair of Natural Product Chemistry, Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU), Germany
2006 Habilitation (Venia legendi) in organic chemistry, FSU Jena
2005 Rejection of professorship (W3), Rheinische Friedrich Willhelms University of Bonn, Germany
2005 Acceptance of professorship (W3), FSU Jena
2001– 2005 Head of junior research group, HKI Jena
1999 – 2000 Research assistant, University of Washington, Seattle, USA, funded through a Feodor Lynen fellowship for postdocs (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)
1996 – 1999 PhD, Friedrich Willhelms University Bonn and Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Jena, funded through a Max Planck doctoral fellowship
1996 Diploma in chemistry at the Friedrich Willhelms University Bonn, Germany
Awards · Appointments · Scientific Activities
2015 Member of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
2015 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Award
2015 David Gottlieb Memorial Lecture Award, University of Illinois
2014 Wilhelm Manchot-Research Professor
Since 2013 Member of the editorial board Bioorganic Chemistry
Since 2012 Editor, Chemistry & Biology
Since 2012 Member of the faculty of 1000
Since 2011 Member of the editorial board, Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry
Since 2011 Member of the editorial board, Journal of Antibiotics
2011 NPR lecture award
Since 2010 Member of the editorial board, ChemBioChem
2009 – 2012 Member of the editorial board, Chemistry & Biology
2006 Research prize of the Dr. Otto Röhm-Memorial-Foundation
Since 2005 Member of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM)
2005 DECHEMA award for natural product research
2005 Science award for life sciences and physics from the Beutenberg Campus Jena e.V.
2005 Thuringian research award (category: basic research)
Since 2003 Member of the programme committee, Natural Product Meeting, Irsee
Since 2002 Member of the DECHEMA Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Since 2001 Member of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh)


Niehs SP, Dose B, Scherlach K, Pidot SJ, Stinear TP, Hertweck C (2019) Genome mining reveals endopyrroles from a nonribosomal peptide assembly line triggered in fungal-bacterial symbiosis. ACS Chem Biol 14(8), 1811-1818.
Pancrace C, Ishida K, Briand E, Gatte Pichi D, Weiz AR, Guljamow A, Scalvenzi T, Sassoon N, Hertweck C, Dittmann E, Gugger M (2019) Unique biosynthetic pathway in bloom-forming cyanobacterial genus Microcystis jointly assembles cytotoxic aeruginoguanidines and microguanidines. ACS Chem Biol 14(1), 67-75.
Peng H, Ishida K, Hertweck C (2019) Loss of single domain function in modular assembly line alters size and shape of complex polyketide. Angew Chem Int Ed 58(50), 18252-18256.
Peng H, Ishida K, Sugimoto Y, Jenke-Kodama H, Hertweck C (2019) Emulating evolutionary processes to morph aureothin-type modular polyketide synthases and associated oxygenases. Nat Commun 10(1), 3918.
Schieferdecker S, Shabuer G, Knuepfer U, Hertweck C (2019) Clostrindolin is an antimycobacterial pyrone alkaloid from Clostridium beijerinckii. Org Biomol Chem 17(25), 6119-6121.
Schieferdecker S, Shabuer G, Letztel AC, Urbansky B, Ishida-Ito M, Ishida K, Cyrulies M, Dahse HM, Pidot S, Hertweck C (2019) Biosynthesis of diverse antimicrobial and antiproliferative acyloins in anaerobic bacteria. ACS Chem Biol 14(7), 1490-1497.
Trottmann F, Franke J, Ishida K, Garcia-Altares M, Hertweck C (2019) A pair of bacterial siderophores releases and traps an intercellular signal molecule: An unusual case of natural nitrone bioconjugation. Angew Chem Int Ed 58(1), 200-204.
Trottmann F, Franke J, Richter I, Ishida K, Cyrulies M, Dahse HM, Regestein L, Hertweck C (2019) Cyclopropanol warhead in malleicyprol confers virulence of human- and animal-pathogenic Burkholderia species. Angew Chem Int Ed 58(40), 14129-14133.
Dose B, Niehs SP, Scherlach K, Flórez LV, Kaltenpoth M, Hertweck C (2018) Unexpected bacterial origin of the antibiotic icosalide: Two-tailed depsipeptide assembly in multifarious Burkholderia symbionts. ACS Chem Biol 13(9), 2414-2420.
Dunbar KL, Büttner H, Molloy EM, Dell M, Kumpfmüller J, Hertweck C (2018) Genome editing reveals novel thiotemplated assembly of polythioamide antibiotics in anaerobic bacteria. Angew Chem Int Ed 57(43), 14080-14084.
